New to ABC?
Alliance Bible Church meets on-site on Sundays at 10:15 AM. A Spanish language discussion group that follows the sermon topic is hosted during the message time in the church library. Our sermon is also available online.
During the Worship Gathering, Kid Ministry provides Nursery for infants and Kids Church for Pre-K through 3rd grade. Older elementary students participate in service with parents and have an activity provided for them.
Students from 6th - 12th grade are welcome to join the Youth Group on Sunday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in the church Fellowship Hall.
Please let us know you're here through our connection card:
Starting Point Dessert
If you would like to know more about Alliance Bible Church, Starting Point is for you! Join us for dessert on Thursday, January 9 from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at ABC in the Fellowship Hall, and get to know others from church. Learn about the history and distinctives of our denomination, the Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA), and discover more about Alliance Bible Church's history, what we believe, our leadership structure, our ministries, and ways to get involved. There will be ample time for Q&A. For those also interested in church membership, this gathering is the first of a two-step membership process. Sign up below, and please designate if childcare is needed. For questions, contact Pastor Jon at 562-3238 or
Two-Year Bible Reading Plan
There’s a unique joy and encouragement that takes place when we read through the Bible together as a church. Conversations about the readings crop up in small group discussions, around family meals, during sermons, and in other fellowship times. To foster that community around Scripture, ABC will be journeying through the Bible in two years starting January 2025. The Gospel Coalition has created a well-organized reading plan that is slower-paced than a standard one-year plan, and includes “catch up” days. Download the plan through the link below, and let’s begin this special journey together!
40 Days of Prayer - Starting January 5
The Christian & Missionary Alliance is providing their annual "40 Days of Prayer" beginning in the New Year. This year’s prayer emphasis will focus on the various attributes of the God to whom we pray.
Week 1 – The Holiness of God
Week 2 – The Eternality and Unchangeableness of God
Week 3 – The Sovereignty of God
Week 4 – The Power of God
Week 5 – The Love of God
Week 6 – The Grace and Mercy of God
Register HERE to participate on-line from home
On-line “Kick Off” Event: January 5 from 3:30-4:30 PM (AK time)
Weekly Virtual Prayer Encounters: Every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 PM (AK time)
Download the special "40 Days of Prayer Daily Devotional" below.
Monthly Worship Jam Sessions
Join us for a Worship Jam Session on Sunday, December 29 at 6:30 PM in the Alliance Bible Church sanctuary, These repeated events will occur on the last Sunday evening of the month. Request your favorite worship songs. We'll enjoy a good mix of well-known songs, learn new ones, and add in favorite hymns. Bring any instrument you'd like to play or even just your voices if you love to sing. All skill levels are welcome, so this is a great opportunity to play an instrument you've been learning.
What to Bring:
Your instruments
Hymnals, if you have one
A tablet / smart phone to look up chords, lyrics, and notes
A list of worship songs you would like to play
While we may not get a chance to sing the whole list of everyone's favorite songs, hopefully we can have an awesome time singing and praising the Lord together through music.​
Annual Celebration 2025
Mark your calendars for Annual Celebration on Sunday, January 19! The morning Worship Gathering will focus on the blessings of the past year, as well as what we believe the Lord is leading us into in 2025. The Annual Celebration Meeting will follow, where we will review the 2024 Annual Report, receive the Treasurer’s Report, and vote to affirm Governing Team members. We will also hear testimonials about what the Lord has done and pray together for the mission and ministry of our church. The Church Family Potluck Celebration Lunch will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us for this very special Sunday!
Church Family Potlucks (3rd Sunday)
Join us in the ABC Fellowship Hall after Worship Gathering on the 3rd Sunday of the month for fellowship and food. Lots of people stay late to talk after service - and we get hungry! So let's bring a food item to share and enjoy each others' company over a meal. These are great Sundays to bring a friends to church too!
Mark your calendars:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
January 19
February 16
March 16
Special Kids Events
Kids Ministry is sponsoring special monthly events during the school year to keep kids connected and engaged beyond Sunday mornings. These are also great opportunities for kids to invite their friends.​​​
Join Group Life!
We live our most effective and enjoyable Christian lives when we do so in community. Group Life is an important part of growing in our relationships with the Lord and with others. ABC has a variety of small group options available to you, including mixed-gender Growth Groups, a Women's Bible Study, a Men's Gathering, prayer group, and missions team. If you would like more information about plugging into a small group, contact the office at or 562-3238.
Giving Options
Text-to-Give: Text your offering amount to 84321
Give Online at
Download the “Church Center” App at your preferred app store, select Alliance Bible Church, and follow the prompts to set up your account.
Place your gift in the offering box in the sanctuary during service.
Mail or drop off donations to the church office: Alliance Bible Church, 941 E Dowling Rd, Anchorage, AK 99518. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday from 7:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Online Directory
The church directory is available online so you can access church contacts from your phone or computer. For security purposes, only members and regular attenders of ABC, who already have an existing email address in our database, can access the directory.
To access the online directory:
Go to (or download the "Adjace" App at your preferred app store)
Click "New User"
Sign up using your email address
ABC on Facebook
Follow us on Facebook:
For current church family, join the "Life Together" group by contacting Pastor Jon.​