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They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. ~Acts 2:42


We believe that God transforms lives when we come together, and integrate His Word, prayer, and authentic fellowship in the body of Christ. These are the various ways we carry out that ministry purpose. 



Group Life

We live our most effective and enjoyable Christian lives when we do so in community. Group Life is an important part of growing in our relationships with the Lord and with others. ABC has a variety of small group options available.


  • Growth Groups: Mixed-gender groups of usually between 8-14 people that meet in homes or in one of our living room spaces at ABC. They study Scripture together and/or engage in a specific book study.

  • Women's Group: Open to all women who desire to grow deeper in relationship with the Lord and one another in small group community. 

  • Men's Group: Men are invited to share life, share Scripture, and pray with other men. 

  • Prayer Group: Engage in fellowship as well as take part in listening prayer and intercessory prayer for our church and as the Lord leads.

  • Missions Team: Open to all who desire to pray for and support our church-supported missionaries, including our Alliance Partnership missionaries in Mongolia. 

Contact the office for more information about plugging into a small group.


Kid Ministry

During Worship Gatherings on Sunday mornings, Nursery is provided for infants during the entire service. The Nook is a private room off the kitchen that is available for nursing moms to tend to their infants and listen to the service. Junior Kids Church is offered for Pre-K through Kindergarten children. Children join their classes after worship music, and can be picked up from their classrooms on the 3rd floor. Older children attend the Worship Gathering and have an activity available for them during service. Special children's events are hosted throughout the year.


Youth Ministry

The Youth Group is having a great time on Sunday evenings with our dedicated youth leaders! Students from 7th - 12th grade are welcome to join on Sundays from 7 - 9 PM at the church for a fun, engaging time building community and going deep with the Lord and one another. Middle and high school students are encouraged to come and invite a friend!



At Alliance Bible Church, we seek the presence of God in our time of worship, glorifying and praising the God who made us and all creation. Our Worship is a reflection of who we are, but more importantly who God is. Many opportunities are available for volunteers to join the worship and sound/tech teams. Contact the church office if you are interested in getting involved.



Many opportunities are available to pray or be prayed for at ABC. Contact the office to request prayer or to be included on the prayer email.

  • Weekly Prayer Gatherings: Sundays at 9 AM and Tuesdays at 7 PM

  • Prayer Partners: Immediately after worship gatherings, Prayer Partners are in the front of the sanctuary ready and willing to pray for you.

  • Elder Prayer: Elders welcome the opportunity to pray with and for you, whether it is blessing a house, a physical issue, or any other prayer that you have.

  • Prayer Requests: 



In line with the Christian & Missionary Alliance's deep roots in missions, ABC shares a heart for missionaries. The Missions Team meets twice a month to pray for the missionaries we support. Monthly missions updates are shared during the worship gathering. Quarterly Mission Sundays highlight a local organization or international worker to inform and inspire the church to pray and support ministry in our community and beyond.


C&MA international workers are supported by the Great Commission Fund (GCF). Offerings can be made to the fund throughout the year, with a highlighted giving Sunday in May. Alliance Bible Church is actively engaged in doing our part to answer the call of Matthew 28:19-20: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."


Community Outreach

Alliance Bible Church is part of multiple community outreach events including supporting Lake Otis Elementary School. To get involved please contact the Church Office or check Updates for current opportunities.

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