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Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.
Colossians 2:6

Once you've trusted in Jesus, here are steps to help you live a life of faith:

  • Discover God's Word!
    If you are new to the Bible, start reading the Gospel of John in the New Testament and keep on going. Later, you can explore the books of the Old Testament. Recommended: New Believer's Bible edited by Greg Laurie

  • Engage in Prayer
    Prayer is simply talking with God and listening for His response. Through prayer, you can worship Him, confess sin, speak words of thanks, and ask Him for help or action. Listening for the Lord's voice in your heart and through His word, others, and circumstances, is just as important as speaking to Him. Daily engage in both aspects of prayer.

  • Find a Church
    Faith is to be lived in community! Find a good, Bible-believing church that teaches this same message about Jesus. Join with that church and be part of their life together. We welcome you to be part of our church family at Alliance Bible Church!

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  • Be Baptized
    Baptism is an action that shows others about your faith commitment. In the Bible, Jesus was baptized and commands all believers to do the same. Talk to your pastor about being baptized soon.

  • Live Your Faith
    Daily ask God to empower you to live a life of bold faith that honors Him and follows His principles. Strive to apply what you learn from your Bible and other Christ-followers. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you make those changes, because we can't do it on our own. (John 15:1-5).

  • Share the Message
    Others need to hear the saving message of Jesus. Share this Good News with the people God places around you. If people don't respond as you hope, don’t get discouraged. Pray for God to open their hearts to truth, and to use your words and example to grow faith in their hearts at a later time.

  • Stay On Track
    Life gets hard sometimes. We have an enemy called the devil who wants to knock us down and get us off track with God. Be aware of these challenges up ahead. Ask God to empower you for godly living and rely on the help of other Christ-followers. We all struggle and stumble at times. Be honest with God and receive the forgiveness and grace He offers you. Choose to stand in faith again, and seek to walk in godliness anew.

New to the Bible?


The Bible is a "book of books" containing 66 individual books that tell the complete story of the God in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It was written in 3 languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic) on 3 continents over a period of 1,500 years. The Holy Spirit inspired more than 35 different authors to pen these pages using various styles of writing including history, poetry, wisdom literature, and prophecy. 

The Bible is separated into two sections:


The Old Testament tells of creation and the history of God leading the Hebrew people - all pointing forward to the coming of Jesus the Messiah.


The New Testament tells of Jesus' life on earth, His followers' experience afterwards, the early church, and what is yet to come.

See For Yourself


A great Bible that answers many initial questions is the "New Believer's Bible" edited by Greg Laurie. Pick one up in the foyer at ABC - our gift to you! Or click on the book to purchase your own.

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