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Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04
Mongolia Partnership Graphic.png
Weaver Family UpdateJeremy Weaver
00:00 / 11:10
Community Outreach

Alliance Bible Church is part of multiple community outreach events including supporting Lake Otis Elementary School. To get involved please contact the Church Office or check your Sunday bulletin for current opportunities.

Global Reach

In line with the Christian & Missionary Alliance's deep roots in missions, ABC shares a heart for missionaries. The Missions Team meets twice a month to pray for the missionaries we support. Monthly missions updates are shared during the worship gathering. Quarterly Mission Sundays highlight a local organization or international worker to inform and inspire the church to pray and support ministry in our community and beyond.


C&MA international workers are supported by the Great Commission Fund (GCF). Offerings can be made to the fund throughout the year, with a highlighted giving Sunday in May.


Alliance Bible Church is actively engaged in doing our part to answer the call of Matthew 28:19-20.

Meet our Missionaries
Eric & Emily Lizarazu
World Outreach


Eric & Emily Lizarazu, with their five children, have spent the last 24 years serving in Bolivia, South America. They work with Camp Kewina, a camp in the Andes Mountains that serves Bolivian churches, schools and organizations. The gospel is shared with more than 6,000 campers a year! Eric is a teacher as well as a handyman at the camp. His official title is Administrator of Camp. They work with a wonderful Bolivian team that helps maintain the camp, train volunteers, organize adventure outings, and more. Additionally, they are leaders in their church, located in city of Sacaba, Bolivia. Thank you for your support!

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