For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.
Isaiah 56:7
Kids Ministry Director
ABC has a new Kids Ministry Director! Sam Epp stepped into this role on June 1. Please pray for Sam as he leads this important ministry forward. If you have questions for Sam about the Kids Ministry, feel free to contact him at sam@abcanchorage.org.
Junior Kids Church
During our Worship Gathering, Junior Kids Church is available for Pre-K - Kinder. Please remember to check in your children when you arrive. They will be released to their classes before the message begins. Parents can pick children up from their 3rd floor classrooms immediately after the Worship Gathering. Snacks will not be provided.
Kids Church
1st-6th grade
1. Check-in: Check your kids in at the check-in station when you arrive.
2. Release: Children will be released to Kids Church before the message.
3. Pick-up: Parents pick up children from their 3rd floor classrooms immediately following the worship gathering.
Teachers will be wearing masks. Masks are optional for Junior Kids Church and recommended for elementary Kids Church. Please send them with a personal water bottle if needed. Snacks will not be provided.
Pandemic perspectives
Youth Group
Our youth are having a great time on Sunday evenings with our dedicated youth leaders! Students from 7th - 12th grade are welcome to join on Sundays from 7 - 9 PM at the church for a fun, engaging time building community and going deep with the Lord and one another. The youth are currently walking through a series about world religions and how they compare to Christianity. Encourage your middle or high school students to come and invite a friend!
Spiritual Growth Goals
Where would you like to see growth in your spiritual life? Whether a new year or new month, being intentional about setting spiritual goals is beneficial! If you haven't taken time to consider the questions on this worksheet, now is as good a time as any. Set aside some time to consider where the Lord is encouraging you to purposefully grow in relationship with Him this season of your life.
Lead by Example
Strive to limit your personal outings in order to not spread the virus. Even low-risk individuals or those who may not be symptomatic, may be carrying the virus and unknowingly passing it to high-risk people. SHOW LOVE for your neighbor by doing everything you can to keep them healthy.
Smile & Bless
People are experiencing many layers of stress and concern. Offer eye contact, smile, and give a word of blessing with those around you at the grocery store, on a walk, and beyond.
Prayer Walk
Walk through your neighborhood and pray over your neighbors' homes and families. Pray for spiritual protection, health, increased faith, blessings, and anything else the Lord puts on your heart to pray.
Gather Nights
Gather Nights provide the opportunity to grow in deeper relationship with God and one another. On the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month (from September through May), the church enjoys connecting over a shared meal and group life. At 5:30 PM, the potluck begins. From 6:30-8 PM, church family breaks into age-appropriate classes for children and youth, and Growth Groups for adults.
*Additional Growth Groups are available on other nights for those who are not available on Wednesday nights. Contact the church office for more information.